By Christopher Dancey & Vanessa Fermil; In the first of this two part series, Augment General Counsel founder Chris Dancey and commercial attorney Vanessa Fermil chart the simmering rise of the NewLaw revolution. First came the Commercial Revolution, followed by the Industrial Revolution and then the Digital Revolution. Apparently, we’re now in the Third Industrial Revolution. All very
By Christopher Dancey & Vanessa Fermil; In the second instalment of this two-part series, Augment General Counsel founder Chris Dancey and commercial attorney Vanessa Fermil narrate NewLaw’s journey into offshoring and beyond. Anton Balazh Offshoring: The Final Frontier One particular legal services sourcing strategy that is gaining traction in the world of NewLaw is offshoring. But why offshore?
Over the past decade, the legal industry has seen the rapid rise of a new category of players: alternative legal service providers (ALSPs). The entrants have been challenging and changing the way legal work is getting done for some of the biggest companies in the world. ALSPs are usually – but not necessarily – non- firm legal service providers that
The truth is, start ups have legal needs. Nowadays, when the word “legal” is mentioned it’s often with connotations of high and unnecessary costs, especially by the founders of start ups who rightly have a focus on revenue generation and cash flow. Finances are for marketing and sales, not for legal they would say. Little did they know that getting
HOW CAN BUSINESS LEADERS SOURCE LEGAL SERVICES? I Can Just Do It Myself? Every business now operates under increased legal and regulatory intensity. So you will need to have someone internal focused on dealing with this, whether that person is a lawyer or not. An experienced in-house lawyer is best placed to assist. They are the corporate equivalent of a GP.